5 Habits of Highly Successful Cannabis Dispensary Locations

Where does your loyalty lie?

Top-notch dispensaries are capable of providing their customers with an experience that is consistent time and time again. This means that best practices in every aspect of daily operations are fulfilled from the minute doors open to the time that they close. The best dispensaries provide value to consumers by way of curating a thoughtful purchasing experience that makes customers wishing they had more time and money to spend.

It’s no easy task to be the best dispensary in the area so be sure to pay attention to the habits formed by some of the top producing dispensaries out there!

They take online orders.

Moxie 710’s eCommerce Simplifies Purchasing

Utilizing eCommerce to process online orders works to a retail location’s advantage by streamlining the purchasing process for consumers. What this means is that impulse buys can be converted without worry of losing a sale. In a world where e-commerce dominates purchasing situations of goods and services, it’s no surprise that cannabis is starting to fall under the same purchasing methods.

See, the cannabis industry is quickly emerging and changes are being made day in and day out. The industry isn’t slowing down anytime soon and with e-commerce penetrating traditional purchasing methods, it’s no surprise that the top dispensaries are capable of taking orders online and fulfilling the cart before the consumer arrives.

It’s a pretty simple formula: online orders streamline the ordering process for your customers while giving you the opportunity to list all of your available retail items. Let the results of online ordering speak for itself!

Their menu is up-to-date and live-synced.

WebJoint offers live inventory adjustments for dispensaries.

Finding cannabis products that consumers enjoy and want to purchase comes down to being able to read the trends as they stand and adjust to the changes in purchasing habits. Trends in the industry are in a constant flux with new technology constantly being developed that customers want to get their hands on.

By updating your menu on a consistent basis or even better, live-syncing your inventory with your website, customers can be assured that they are able to get the product they want without having to organize a search party! Retail operations are centered on being able to provide satisfactory customer service and what better way than being able to guarantee your customer the product they are looking for?

Take influence from the best of the best—update your menu throughout the day and live-sync your inventory.

Rewards programs for their customers make sense!

Competitive rewards programs play on cannabis dispensary customer loyalty.

Creating a unique way to make sure that your customers return to your dispensary starts with the ability to offer a simple rewards program. Loyalty points, tiered rewards, and an MVP program are all ways to build customer retention.

Loyalty points can be used by customers to “bank and save” to put towards the purchasing of things like vape pen batteries, brand merchandise, and offer discounts on wax, eights, or joints. Tiered rewards allow for an initial customer retention method to be used by offering a way of “buying into” special offers that are exclusive to the selected tier membership at your dispensary. Some of the top dispensaries have begun to use MVP programs that allow members to take part in exclusive launch parties, networking events, and sneak-peeks into major adjustments being made!

Offering your customers a rewards program that is easy to understand and realistically tangible is an effective method of building your consumer base.

Budtenders take the initiative to educate clients.

WebJoint’s resource guides keep everyone from operators to consumers up-to-date on regulation changes.

When customers come into your retail location, your staff better be able to answer the questions that they have. Questions might range from a general cannabis topic about the state of the industry to particular regulations and even stretch to the source of origin for the cannabis product that they are purchasing.

Moreover, it’s critically important to be able to give customers resources to use in order to do additional research on cannabis, the available delivery methods, and brands that promote various practices to ensure a quality product.

As the industry is still fairly new to the recreational market, it’s important to remember that not all users have an incredible amount of experience. By being able to explain the role that THC, CBD, and terpenes play in cannabis products, your staff helps alleviate some of the overwhelming feelings that a first-time consumer may experience. Moreover, touching upon sublinguals, topicals, and the appropriate dosing for an enjoyable experience helps illustrate your concern for a customer’s well-being. And guess what—customers pay attention to this!

Consumers buy into what you represent as much as they buy into the actual products on your shelves. With this being said, it’s pertinent to the success of your dispensary to ben able to answer any and all questions on a level that satisfies your customer and leaves them wanting to return for more information.

The cannabis industry is on the ground floor and as an operator, you have a responsibility to your consumer to engage, educate, and empower individuals day-in and day-out.

Related: A Definitive Guide to Compliance — California Cannabis Dispensaries

Compliance is a cultural thing!

A culture of compliance is effective in satisfying the BCC during dispensary inspections.

Maintaining a “culture of compliance” is not only one way to ensure that you are capable of staying in business, but is pertinent to the overall “vibe” that your retail location carries with it on a daily basis. Avoiding simple compliance violations such as wearing name tags and having pre-packaged goods for your customers to choose from not only keeps you entirely “legal,” it says something deeper about the integrity of your retail location.

Consumers pay special attention to detail and although not every consumer is an expert on compliance, they notice the little things. Your dispensary’s characteristics should trickle down from a branding standpoint all the way to your staff and extend into the way that products are displayed. Compliance is certainly no easy task so as long as your staff is all on the same “wavelength,” chances are, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Be the type of location that provides customers with a clean, compliant way of purchasing cannabis goods!

Related: 5 Simple Compliance Violations Dispensaries Don’t Really Think About

Good habits means happy customers!

Competition in the cannabis industry is ramping up faster than anyone could’ve expected. Forming positive habits for your dispensary location solidifies your position as one of the top in the industry. Customers take note of these habits and gravitate towards those locations that can provide an online ordering platform, guarantee inventory, and use their rewards points as they wish! Be the type of dispensary that can educate consumers while boasting a culture of compliance and be ready to see customer retention increase!

We know that retail location habits extend further than this list. With that being said, what are some of the best habits that your retail location has formed in order to stay successful?

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